자연어처리를 이용해서 텍스트로부터 마케팅 인사이트를 찾아내는게 주요 연구관심사입니다.
My primary research interest lies in utilizing natural language processing to extract marketing insights from text.
- 마케팅 애널리틱스 (Marketing Analytics)
- 자연어처리 (Natural Language Processing)
- Empirical Generalizations
- Social Influence
- University of Iowa, PhD in Marketing
- Columbia University, MS in Statistics
- 서울대학교, 경영학사 (Seoul National University, Business Administration)
경력 및 활동
- 2014 - 현재, 한국외국어대학교 (2014-present, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
- 2012-2014, 오클랜드 대학교 (2012-2014, University of Auckland)
Exploring trends in environmental, social, and governance themes and their sentimental value over time, Frontiers in Psychology
- A meta-analysis of correlations between market share and other brand performance metrics in FMCG markets, Journal of Business Research
- Examining the effect of cultural congruence, processing fluency, and uncertainty avoidance in online purchase decisions in the US and Korea, Marketing Letters
- Beyond solitary play in computer games: The social practices of eSports, Journal of Consumer Culture
- Excess loyalty in CPG markets: a comprehensive examination, Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science