Taeyoung Yoo is Professor at the College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. He holds a PhD in Management from Birkbeck College, University of London. His current research interests draw on organizational and institutional changes in the light of identity roles and socio-economic arrangements. Since 2010, he has led a research project, titled “Identity of Korea” and supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2010-330-B00100). His work has appeared in journals such as Administration & Society, British Journal of Sociology, Corporate Governance, European Societies, Organization Studies, and Scandinavian Journal of Management.
- 기업지배구조
- 비교경영(Varieties of Capitalism)
- 조직변동과 정체성
- 와인&외식경영
- 2008, University of London, Birkbeck College 경영학박사
- 2001, State University of New York (Stony Brook) 기술경영석사
- 1993, 연세대학교 행정학석사
- 1991, 연세대학교 정치학사
경력 및 활동
- 2009-현재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 교수
- 1997-2003 KTF
- 1994-1997 공군장교
- Yoo, T., Kim, S., & Jho, W. 2023. Economic voting and state-business relations in OECD countries. European Societies, 25(4): 657-690.
- Yoo, T., Jung, D., Son, D., & Bachmann, R. 2023. Who initiates layoffs and affects firm performance? Conflict of interests between active foreign institutional investors and outside directors. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 12(3): 1-15.
- Yoo, T. 2023. Path-generating moves in professional identity building: Marriage migrant community interpreters and their institutional environments in South Korea. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 31(3): 395-412.
- Yoo, T., & Suh, K. 2022. Experts vs. the public in the evaluation of restaurants: A business ecosystem approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 105: 1-10.
- Yoo, T., & Koh, Y. 2022. Remains on the board: Outside directors’ behaviour and their survival chance in Korean firms. Asia Pacific Business Review, 28(1): 87-110.
- Yoo, T., Schilke, O., & Bachmann, R. 2021. Neither acquiescence nor defiance: Tuscan wineries' “flexible reactivity” to the Italian government's quality regulation system. British Journal of Sociology, 72(5): 1430-1447.
- Yoo, T. 2020. How to use language agents for knowledge transfer? Evidence from translators and multinational organizations in Korea. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(4): 899-919.
- Yoo, T. 2019. A trust-based perspective on French political economy: Law and corporate control in corporate governance reform. French Politics, 17(2): 159-183.
- Yoo, T. 2018. Country of origin and diners’ perceptions of a cuisine: The moderating effects of culinary and institutional factors. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(3): 420-444.
- Yoo, T., & Jeong, C. 2017. Consolidating the professional identity of translators: The role of citizenship behaviors. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 29(3): 361-387.
- Yoo, T., & Koh, Y. 2017. What makes outside directors not to be reappointed? A comparative analysis of behavioral characteristics and expected roles. International Journal of Economic Research, 14(11): 47-61.
- Yoo, T. 2017. The performance dimension in symbolic management revisited: The functional role of traditional mechanisms in large Korean firms. Asia Pacific Business Review, 23(1): 116-134.
- Yoo, T. 2015. Coexistence of contrasting principles in corporate governance: Two tales of Japanese firms. Corporate Board: Role, Duties & Composition, 11(2, Continued 1): 227-240.
- Rhee, M., Park, J., & Yoo, T. 2015. The contradictory roles of ambiguity for innovation in an industry: How beneficial are standardization and classification? Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(9): 1114-1128.
- Yoo, T., & Nam, G. 2015. An expanded accounting framework for sustainable growth: Focused on the relationship between a focal firm and its stakeholders. South African Journal of Economic & Management Sciences, 18(3): 366-379.
- Yoo, T., & Sung, T. 2015. How outside directors facilitate corporate R&D investment? Evidence from large Korean firms. Journal of Business Research, 68(6): 1251-1260.
- Yoo, T., & Jung, D. 2015. Corporate governance change and performance: The roles of traditional mechanisms in France and South Korea. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31(1): 40-53.
- Yoo, T., & Jho, W. 2015. Socioeconomic contexts of government expenditure across OECD countries: A complementary perspective from trust and state-business relations. Administration & Society, 47(2): 122-150.
- Yoo. T., & Koh, Y. 2014. Agent or structure for principal-principal conflicts: Audit firms vs. foreign ownership in the Asian context. Asian Business & Management, 13(4): 309-332.
- Jho, W., & Yoo, T. 2014. Ideas, networks, and policy change. Explaining strategic privatization in Korea. Korea Observer, 45(2): 179-210.
- Rhee, M., Yang, D., & Yoo, T. 2013. National culture and friendship homophily in the multinational workplace. Asian Business & Management, 12(3): 299-320.
- Yoo, T., & Rhee, M. 2013. Agency theory and the context for R&D investment: Evidence from Korea. Asian Business & Management, 12(2): 227-252.
- Yoo, T., & Lee, S. 2009. In search of social capital in state-activist capitalism: Elite networks in France and Korea. Organization Studies, 30(5): 529-547.
- Lee, S., & Yoo, T. 2008. Competing rationales for corporate governance in France: Institutional complementarities between financial markets and innovation systems. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 16(2): 63-76.
- Lee, S., & Yoo, T. 2007. Government policy and radical innovation in dirigiste states: A comparative analysis of national innovation systems. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(4): 451-470.
- 이채민 & 유태영. 2024. 블라인드 채용은 조직 유효성을 향상시키는가? 조직구성원의 DEI(다양성, 공정성, 포용성) 인식을 중심으로. 대한경영학회지, 37(3): 403-428.
- 정한솔, 김태형, & 유태영. 2021. SMARTSTUDY, Making the World More Fun: Dreaming of Disney in Asia. Academy of Asian Business Review, 7(2): 75-100.
- 서경희 & 유태영. 2021. Foodie discourse: Online reviews of Michelin-starred restaurants. 사회언어학, 29(2): 77-109.
- 최누리 & 유태영. 2021. 직장-가정 갈등과 여성관리자의 경력성공: 멘토링의 경력단계별 차별적 조절효과. 기업경영연구, 28(1): 49-75.
- 이정안 & 유태영. 2020. 조직 내 긍정탐구의 활성화를 위한 직무자율성과 변혁적 리더십의 영향: 혁신지원분위기의 조절 역할을 중심으로. 글로벌경영연구, 32(2): 29-54.
- 이예린, 김준형, 최병철 & 유태영. 2020. 전략적 CSR과 범용적 CSR의 구성비율이 기업의 성과에 미치는 영향. 기업경영연구, 27(1): 1-17.
- 장석하 & 유태영. 2020. 근로시간단축이 업무몰입에 미치는 영향: 사회적 요인의 매개효과와 기업정책의 조절효과를 중심으로. 조직과 인사관리연구, 44(1): 61-85.
- 강석종 & 유태영. 2018. 대학가 음식점의 성공요인 분석: 음식, 경영일반, 마케팅의 3가지 요인을 중심으로. 외식경영연구, 21(5): 241-268.
- 김덕호, 김중화 & 유태영. 2018. 기업지배구조가 기업의 CSR 활동에 미치는 영향: 성과달성의 조절역할 및 인과관계. 고객만족경영연구, 20(2): 47-71.
- 유태영 & Bachmann, R. 2017. Sense-making in identity construction revisited: Super Tuscan wines and invalidated institutional constraints. 한국조리학회지, 23(6): 143-152.
- 김두진 & 유태영. 2017. The effect of chefs’ extra-role activity on restaurant performance: The mediating role of core competence and external evaluation. 외식경영연구, 20(2): 165-196.
- 김태은 & 유태영. 2014. 음식점의 경영성과에 대한 정체성 효과 분석: 조리사의 교욱 경험, 조리기술, 마케팅 활동에 대한 정체성의 조절효과를 중심으로. 외식경영연구, 17(3): 151-174.
- 유태영 & 권석균. 2013. 위기의 자본주의: 경영과 조직이론에 관한 새로운 이해. 인사조직연구, 27(3): 195-227.
- 유태영 & 백문영. 2013. What determines corporate R&D investment?An integrated analysis of macroeconomic, financial, and governance factors. 기업경영연구, 20(1): 1-27.
- 유태영, 백문영, & 장종익. 2012. The effects and limitations of education system on wage: A comparative analysis of education and family capital. 제도와경제, 6(2): 361-383.
- 이경미 & 유태영. 2012. Multinational corporations and citizenship behaviour: The effects of strategic choices and national institutions. 국제경영연구, 23(2): 1-33.
- 김두진 & 유태영. 2012. 한국 및 외국음식에 대한 소비자의 지불의사 가격: 행위자 및 제도적 요인의 영향력에 대한 경로분석. 외식경영연구, 15(2): 7-34.
- 유태영. 2012. Shareholder orientation vs. stakeholder relationship in corporate governance reform: A case analysis of Toyota, Sony, Nissan, and Canon. 한일경상논집, 54(1): 3-43.
- 유태영. 2011. Competing rationales for corporate governance reform: Capital markets vs. coordinated innovation in France, 1998~2005. 글로벌경영연구, 23(2): 1-40.
- 유태영. 2010. 녹색성장전략: 기업의 사회적 책임과 재무적 성과를 동시에 달성하는 방안. 한국경제연구, 28(1): 123-151.
- 유태영. 2009. Dynamic relations between the state and business: A comparative analysis of France and Korea. 한국경제학보, 16(2): 271-313.
- 정동관, 유태영, 정승국, 김기선, & 류성민. 2015. 인사평가제도 현황과 발전방안에 관한 연구. 한국노동연구원.
- 권석균, 고영훈, 정환승, 유태영, 최보인, & 정유경. 2015. 한-ASEAN 지역밀착형 인적자본개발을 통한 노동환경 향상 및 창조경제 활성화. 외무부.
- 홍훈, 김유경, & 유태영. 2015. 2010년 선정 한국사회과학연구지원사업(SSK, 한국의 정체성과 창조적인 미래) 중형(연구단) 결과보고서. 한국연구재단.
- 정동관, 유태영, & 박노근. 2014. 기업지배구조의 특성이 인적자원관리(HRM)에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구. 한국노동연구원.
- 유태영, 이무원, & Bachmann, R. 2013. 2010년 선정 한국사회과학연구지원사업(SSK, 한국의 정체성 재발견과 세계화) 소형(연구단) 결과보고서. 한국연구재단.
학회 주요 활동
- 2005-현재, EGOS(European Group for Organization Studies) 회원
- 2005-현재, AOM(Academy of Management) 회원
- 2009-현재, 한국인사조직학회 이사
- 2011-현재, SASE(Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) 회원