한국외국어대학교를 졸업하고 20여 년간 한국거래소의 증권금융시장 분야에서 일해 왔다. 기획재정부에서 민간전문가로 근무하였으며, 최근에는 정부기금을 관리하는 위원회 등에서 위원으로 활동하고 있다. 학술활동으로는 자본시장과 ESG 등의 분야에서 논문발표∙토론 및 심사 등을 활발히 수행하고 있다.
I graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and have been working in the securities and financial markets for over 20 years. I worked as a private sector expert at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and recently, I have been serving as a committee member in committees responsible for managing government funds. In terms of academic activities, I am actively engaged in paper presentations, discussions, and reviews in areas such as the capital market and ESG.
Ph.D. in Finance, Sungkyunkwan University, 2015
M.S. in Business Administration, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 1999
B.S. in Business Administration, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 1997
경력 및 활동
Guest Lecture Professor/Adjunct Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2021–Present
Committee Member, Ministry of National Defense, Soldier Welfare Fund Risk Management Committee, 2023–Present
Committee Member, National Research Foundation of Korea, Asset Management Committee, 2023–Present
Advisory Board Member, Ministry of Environment, Environmental Technology Workforce Development Graduate School, 2023–Present
Advisory Board Member, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, Project on the Application of the K-Taxonomy to Overseas Countries, 2023
Korea Exchange (CCP Risk Management Team Leader, Analysis and Information Team Leader, Statistical Analysis Team Leader, etc.), 1999–Present
Committee Member, Ministry of Environment, Green Finance Excellent Company Evaluation Committee, 2021
Working Group Member, Ministry of Environment, Green Bond Guideline Establishment Committee, 2020
Private sector Expert, Ministry of Economy and Finance, 2010
Is There a Greeium in Korean Bond Market?: An Empirical Analysis of Bond Secondary-Market Trading Data, Korean Journal of Financial Studies(SCOPUS), Vol.51(4), 2022
Is there an Issuance Premium for SRI Bonds?: Evidence from the Periods Before and After the COVID-19 Outbreak, Korean Journal of Financial Studies(SCOPUS), Vol.50(4), 2021
The Impact of Change in the KONEX Trading Mechanism on Liquidity and Price Efficiency, Korean Journal of Financial Studies(KCI), Vol.46(3), 2017
The Effects of an Increase in the KOSPI200 Options Multiplier on Efficiency in Information Transfers between the Korea Exchange and the Eurex Exchange, Asian Review of Financial Research(KCI), Vol.30(3), 2017
Analysis of Margin Models for the Korean Futures Market, Korean Journal of Financial Studies(KCI), Vol.46(1), 2017
Effect of Margin Requirement on Default Risk and Liquidity in the Korean Futures Market, Journal of Derivatives Quantitative Studies(KCI), Vol.24(2), 2016
The Effects of Market Making on Price Discovery and Liquidity in Treasury Bond Markets, Korean Journal of Financial Studies(KCI), Vol.44(1), 2015
Investment Alert Issues and Investor Protection, Korean Journal of Financial Studies(KCI), Vol.43(1), 2014
[학술대회 발표논문]
The Impact of ESG Performance on Cost of Debt Capital, Joint Academic Conference of Management-Related Societies, August 2023
Does an Issuance Premium Exist for Sustainability-Linked Bonds?: Empirical Analysis Reflecting the Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War, Seoul National University IREC Symposium, September 2023
Empirical Study on Information Efficiency through Analysis of Lead-Lag Relationships between KTB(Korea Treasury Bond) Index and MKF TBI(Treasury Bond Index), KRX Market, 2009
Risk-Return Structure and Risk-Adjusted Performance Analysis of Portfolios Using KRX Bond Index, KRX Market, 2008
Interactions between Government Bond Prime Index and Treasury Bond Futures Market, KRX Market, 2008
2022 Best Paper Award' for Korean Journal of Financial Studies by the Korean Securities Association, 2023
2021 Best Paper Award' for Korean Journal of Financial Studies by the Korean Securities Association, 2022
Best Paper Award' for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Finance by the Korean Securities Association and the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency, 2017
2015 Outstanding Paper Award' for Korean Journal of Financial Studies by the Korean Securities Association, 2016
KRX Derivatives Excellent Paper Merit Award' by the Korea Exchange, 2015
Commendation from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, 2010
Commendation from the Chairman of the Korea Exchange, 2009
(Benefit from Research Support) Seoul National University Securities and Finance Research Institute Research Support(2022–2024) and FN Guide & Korean Securities Association Research Support(2021–2022).
(Paper Presentation and Discussion) Actively participated in paper presentations and discussions at various conferences, including the academic conferences of the Korean Securities Association, the Korea Derivatives Association, the Korean Association of Financial Engineering, and management-related societies.
(Refereeing) Engaged in the review of academic research papers and research analysis reports for organizations such as the Korean Finance Management Association, the Korean Industrial Economic Association, and the Korea Capital Market Institute.
(Other Activities) Currently participating as a permanent member in the Korean Securities Association and the Korea Derivatives Association. Also involved in industry-academia linkage groups(ESG, Financial and Derivatives Markets, Pension Fund and OCIO) operated by the Korean Securities Association.