- IS/교수
- Rutgers University, Ph.D.
- 02-2173-3015
- Cho, June-Suh
- jscho@hufs.ac.kr
- 사이버관 727호
- Electronic commerce
- Database
- Data mining
- E-government
- Ph.D. Rutgers University
- M.S. New York University
- B.A. KyungHee University
경력 및 활동
- Professor, College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- Dean, College of Business & Graduate School of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (2021-2023)
- Korea Information Processing Society, Vice Chair
- University Council, Chair (2016)
- Financial Security Forum, Committee
- Qualcomm, Technical Advisor
- The Korea Associate of Management Information Systems, Committee
- IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, U.S.A.
- NHM, U.S.A.
- SamSung Data Systems
- June-Suh Cho and KwangJong Ahn, The Making of a Smart City in Korea, Lexington Books, 2023.
- 조준서, IT혁신과 e비즈니스, HUINS, 2022
- June-Suh Cho, Strategic Policies and Innovative e-Government Services: The Trade Area Analysis Service in Seoul Metropolitan Government, Eliva Press, 2021.
- 조준서, 전자상거래 -e비즈니스 II-, HUINS, 2020.
- 조준서, 4차산업혁명과 CRM, HUINS, 2019.
- 조준서. e비즈니스의 이해, HUINS, 2016.
- Anderson, D., Wu, R., Cho, J.-S., Schroeder, K., E-Government Strategy, ICT and Innovation in Citizen Engagement. Springer, 2015.
- 조준서. CRM과 데이터 마이닝, 청람, 2013.
- Myungsoo Chae and June-Suh Cho. Customer Relationship Management, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2011
- June-Suh Cho and YoungHoon Yim. Web Programming for beginners using ASP, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2008.
- June-Suh Cho and Joonsoo Choi. Recognition of Partially Occluded Elliptical Objects using Symmetry on Contour, Vision Systems: Segmentation and Pattern Recognition, 2007
- Yoon Chung and June-Suh Cho. Premier e-Business Cases From Asia, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007
- June-Suh Cho, Is The Strategic Fintech Policy ”Zeropay” Failed?. European Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol 7, Issue 5, 2022.
- Soon Ae Chun, Dongwook Kim, Jun-Suh Cho, Michael Chuang, Seungyoon Shin, Daesung Jun, Framework for Smart City Model Composition: Choice of Component Design Models and Risks. International Journal of E-Planning Research, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2021.
- June-Suh Cho, “Zeropay”: The Simple Payment Service for Small Businesses – The Strategic FinTech Policy in Seoul Metropolitan Government. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2020.
- KwangJong Ahn and June-Suh Cho, The simple location-based authentication method using multi-layer display in Korea, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 4, 2019.
- June-Suh Cho and KwangJong Ahn, The local business analysis service for service-oriented government: Seoul Metropolitan Government Case, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 4, 2019.
- Hee Yeong Kim and June-Suh Cho, The effects of an IT-related curriculum based on hybrid-style problem-based learning on career decision-making self-efficacy of women’s University students in Korea, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 1, 2018.
- Hee Yeong Kim and June-Suh Cho, Data governance framnework for big data implementation with NPS Case Analysis in Korea, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 12 Issue 2, 2018.
- Hee Yeong Kim and June-Suh Cho, The Effects of Project-Based Learning in “Systems Analysis & Design” Subject on Communication Competence of University Students in Korea, Journal of Business and Retail Management, Vol 12, 2017.
- June-Suh Cho, Evolution of e-Government: Transparency, Competency, and Service-Oriented Government with Korean Government 3.0, Journal of Business and Retail Management, Vol 12, 2017.
- Ho-Jin Park and June-Suh Cho, The Influence of Information Security Techno stress on the Job Satisfaction of Employees, Journal of Business and Retail Management, Vol 11, 2016.
- Hon-Jung Jung and June-Suh Cho, The Effects of Characteristics of Social Commerce have on Customers' Purchase Decisions, Journal of Business and Retail Management, Vol 11, 2016.
- Karol Jacewicz and June-Suh Cho, Analysis of archetypal characteristics of social customer relationship management, Journal of Business and Retail Management, Vol 9, 2015.
- Karol Jacewicz and June-Suh Cho, Toward the Next Step in Social CRM using Promised-based Model, Korea Business Review, Vol. 19, No. 1., 2015.
- June-Suh Cho, Video Surveillance Systems and Future Requirements of the Security Market in United Kingdom and Korea, International Journal of Trends in Economics Management & Technology, Vol. 3., 2014.
- June-Suh Cho, Efficient Healthcare Process Based on Ubiquitous Technology: Samsung Medical Center Case, International Journal of Scientific Research & Management Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2014.
- Karol Jacewicz and June-Suh Cho, Social CRM Redefined? Promise-Based Social CRM Model and Enterprise Applications For Corporate Social Profile Management, Korea Business Review, Vol. 16, No. 4., 2012.
- Soon Ae Chun and June-Suh Cho, E-Participation and Transparent Policy Decision Making, Information Polity, Vol 17(2), 2012
- Hee Yeong Kim and June-Suh Cho, Business Model and Strategy of Social Enterprise for Welfare IT of Information Alienated Groups, Korean Business Review, Vol 16 No 1, 2012
- Soon Ae Chun, Yoo Jung An, Sunju Park, James Geller and June-Suh Cho, Flexible Payment Recommender System, Journal of Information Technology and Architecture. Vol. 8, No. 4, 2011
- V. Atluri, J. Cho and H. Shin. Efficient Enforcement of Spatiotemporal Access Control under Uncertain Location Estimates, Journal of Com
[학술대회 발표논문]
- June-Suh, Cho and KwangJong Ahn, The Local Business Analysis Service Using Big Data In Seoul Metropolitan Government, International Science and Technology Conference, 2018.
- Hee Yeong Kim and June-Suh Cho, Data Governance Framework for Big Data Implementation with a Case of Korea, 6th IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 2017.
- June-Suh Cho and Soon-Ae Chun, Towards transparent policy decision making process: a case study for Seoul metropolitan government, dg.o '11 Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference: Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times, 2011.
- Dennis Anderson and June-Suh Cho. National E-government Strategies: Application of ICT in Government in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, United Nations Public Service Day and Forum, 2010
- June-Suh Cho and Soon-Ae Chun, Ubiquitous Government: Mobile Portal for Seoul Metropolitan Government, 11th International Digital Government Research Conference, 2010
- June-Suh Cho and Joonsoo Choi. Partial Object Recognition based on an Ellipse using Symmetry in Image Databases, 21st International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, 2006
- June-Suh Cho and Joonsoo Choi. Contour-based Partial Object Recognition using Symmetry in Image Databases, ACM SAC, 2005
- Development of Dstocks stock market analysis platform and service.
- Do Machine Learning Methods Outperform Traditional Statistical Models in Crime Prediction? A Comparison Between Logistic Regression and Neural Networks.
- Development of ICT-based crime risk prediction and response technology for early recognition of dangerous situations.
- Big Data Healthcare Decision Support Platform.
- 공간빅데이터 활용방안에 대한 연구, 국토교통부, 2016.
- HUFS Excellence in Research Award, 2004
- JITA Best Journal Article Award for the Year 2012
학회 주요 활동
- 2020, 2021, 2022 Korea Information Processing Society, Vice Chair
- 2006, 2009 The Korea Associate of Management Information Systems, Committee