이강웅 교수 사진
이강웅 교수
이학박사, Rhode Island Univ.
백년관 811호



1979-1982 서울 배재고등학교

1982-1986 서울대학교 자연과학대학 해양학과 해양화학 학사 

1986-1987 서울대학교 환경대학원 환경학

1987-1992 미국 University of Rhode Island, Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Study 대기화학 박사


1993-1996 한국외국어 대학교 환경학과 조교수

1996-2001 한국외국어 대학교 환경학과 부교수

2001-현재 한국외국어 대학교 환경학과 교수



Atmospheric Sulfurs

- Seawater DMS

- Atmospheric DMS, H2S, CH3SH,SO2

- air/sea DMS flux measurements

- sulfur acid deposition(wet/dry)

- aerosol sulfate

Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogens

- Reactive nitrogens : NO, NO2, PAN, NH3, NOy, HNO3, HNO2

- aerosol nitrate

- nitrate and ammonia deposition(wet/dry)

- ozone chemistry

Atmospheric Reactive Carbons

- POPs

- ozone precursors; NMHC

- biogenic hydrocarbons

- CO


Kim, J., Seo, B. keun, Lee, T., Kim, J., Kim, S., Bae, G. N., and Lee, G(2023). Airborne estimation of SO2 emissions rates from a coal-fired power plant using two top-down methods: A mass balance model and Gaussian footprint approach, Sci. Total Environ., 855, 158826, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2022.158826.

Kim, D., Kim, J., Lee, M., Ahn, J. Y., & Lee, G. (2021). Assessment of daytime HONO emission source from asphalt surface to urban air. Applied Sciences, 11, 19301932.

Gil, J., Kim, J., Lee, M., Lee, G., Ahn, J., Lee, D. S., Jung, J., Cho, S., Whitehill, A., Szykman, J., & Lee, J. (2021). Characteristics of HONO and its impact on O3 formation in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during the Korea-US Air Quality study. Atmospheric Environment, 247, 118182. doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118182. 

Lee, G., Park, J.-H., Kim, D.-G., Koh, M. S., Lee, M., Han, J.-S., & Kim, J.-C. (2020). Current Status and Future Directions of Tropospheric Photochemical Ozone Studies in Korea. Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, 36(4), 419441. doi.org/10.5572/kosae.2020.36.4.419.

Kim, H., Gil, J., Lee, M., Jung, J., Whitehill, A., Szykman, J., Lee, G., Kim, D.-S., Cho, S., Ahn, J.-Y., & others. (2020). Factors controlling surface ozone in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during the KORUS-AQ campaign. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 8.

Lee, H., Dlugokencky, E. J., Turnbull, J. C., Lee, S., Lehman, S. J., Miller, J. B., ... Lee, G., & Park, Y. S. (2020). Observations of atmospheric 14 CO 2 at Anmyeondo GAW station, South Korea: implications for fossil fuel CO 2 and emission ratios. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(20), 12033-12045.

Lee, H., Han, S. O., Ryoo, S. B., Lee, J. S., & Lee, G. (2019). The measurement of atmospheric CO 2 at KMA GAW regional stations, its characteristics, and comparisons with other East Asian sites. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(4), 2149-2163.

Jang, Y. W., Lee, G., Ghim, Y. S., Lee, T., Park, I. S., & Owen, J. S. (2019). The Relationship Analyses between High Concentration Ozone and Local Wind Circulation in Mexico City. 중남미연구, 38(1), 231-255.

Kim, Y. P., & Lee, G. (2018). Trend of air quality in Seoul: Policy and science. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18(9), 21412156. doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.2018.03.0081.

Kim, N., Park, M., Yum, S. S., Park, J. S., Song, I. H., Shin, H. J., Ahn, J. Y., Kwak, K. H., Kim, H., Bae, G. N., and Lee, G(2017). Hygroscopic properties of urban aerosols and their cloud condensation nuclei activities measured in Seoul during the MAPS-Seoul campaign, Atmos. Environ., 153, 217232, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ATMOSENV.2017.01.034. 

Han, J., Shin, B., Lee, M., Hwang, G., Kim, J., Shim, J., Lee, G., and Shim, C(2015). Variations of surface ozone at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea and the influence of Asian outflows, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1261112621, https://doi.org/10.5194/ACP-15-12611-2015. 

Park, S.-M., Seo, B.-K., Lee, G., Kahng, S.-H., and Jang, Y. W(2015). Chemical Composition of Water Soluble Inorganic Species in Precipitation at Shihwa Basin, Korea, Atmos. 2015, Vol. 6, Pages 732-750, 6, 732750, https://doi.org/10.3390/ATMOS6060732. 

Heo, J. and Lee, G(2014). Field-measured uptake rates of PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs using PUF-disk passive air samplers in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, Sci. Total Environ., 491492, 4250, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2014.03.073. 

Heo, J., Kim, D., and Lee, G(2014). Congener profiles and source-wise phase partitioning analysis of PCDDs/Fs and PCBs in Gyeonggi-do ambient air, South Korea, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 11, 1106511080, https://doi.org/10.3390/IJERPH111111065. 

Jang, Y. W., Park, I. S., Ha, S. S., Jang, S. H., Chung, K. W., Lee, G., Kim, W. H., Choi, Y. J., and Cho, C. H(2014). Preliminary analysis of the development of the Carbon Tracker system in Latin America and the Caribbean, Atmósfera, 27, 6176, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0187-6236(14)71101-4. 

Kim, N., Park, M., Yum, S. S., Park, J. S., Song, I. H., Shin, H. J., Ahn, J. Y., Kwak, K. H., Kim, H., Bae, G. N., and Lee, G(2017). Hygroscopic properties of urban aerosols and their cloud condensation nuclei activities measured in Seoul during the MAPS-Seoul campaign, Atmos. Environ., 153, 217232, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ATMOSENV.2017.01.034.

Kim, S., Sanchez, D., Wang, M., Seco, R., Jeong, D., Hughes, S., Barletta, B., Blake, D. R., Jung, J., Kim, D., Lee, G., Lee, M., Ahn, J., Lee, S. D., Cho, G., Sung, M. Y., Lee, Y. H., Kim, D. B., Kim, Y., Woo, J. H., Jo, D., Park, R., Park, J. H., Hong, Y. D., and Hong, J. H(2016). OH reactivity in urban and suburban regions in Seoul, South Korea an East Asian megacity in a rapid transition, Faraday Discuss., 189, 231251, https://doi.org/10.1039/C5FD00230C. 

Lee, T., Choi, J., Lee, G., Ahn, J., Park, J. S., Atwood, S. A., Schurman, M., Choi, Y., Chung, Y., and Collett, J. L(2015). Characterization of aerosol composition, concentrations, and sources at Baengnyeong Island, Korea using an aerosol mass spectrometer, Atmos. Environ., 120, 297306, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ATMOSENV.2015.08.038. 

Li, S., Kim, J., Park, S., Kim, S. K., Park, M. K., Mühle, J., Lee, G., Lee, M., Jo, C. O., and Kim, K. R(2014). Source identification and apportionment of halogenated compounds observed at a remote site in East Asia, Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, 491498, https://doi.org/10.1021/ES402776W/SUPPL_FILE/ES402776W_SI_001.PDF. 

Park, S.-M., Seo, B.-K., Lee, G., Kahng, S.-H., and Jang, Y. W(2015). Chemical Composition of Water Soluble Inorganic Species in Precipitation at Shihwa Basin, Korea, Atmos. 2015, Vol. 6, Pages 732-750, 6, 732750, https://doi.org/10.3390/ATMOS6060732.



HUFS-KOICA Scholarship Program (Master’s Program in Atmospheric Environment) (approx. 400 million won each year for 2016-present, Program Director)

Post Korus-AQ program planning, (NIER research fund, 50million won, PI, 2017-2018)

Weather Information Service Engine (WISE) (approx. 6.7 billion won for 2017, program director (2016-2017))

도시지역 유해대기오염물질 모니터링 종합평가 (NIER ,179,000,000, 2020)

동북아시아 오존의 급격한 농도 증가 원인 파악을 위한 HONO 배출 및 생성 기작 규명 (한국연구재단, 300,000,000, 2018-2021)

미세먼지 등 관리기준 강화를 위한 대기환경기준 선진화 연구(I) - 신규항목 검토 - (NIER, 585,000,000 , 2021-2022)

항공관측 확대를 통한 초미세먼지 전구물질 거동 연구 (한국연구재단, 120,000,000, 2021-2022)

미세먼지 야간 생성과 오존 주간 생성에 미치는 NO3 반응기와 N2O5의 기여율 규명 (한국연구재단, 460,000,000 , 2022-2026)