Spas Angelov Rangelov
- 직위(직급)
- 외국인전임 -부교수
- 학위
- 영국 런던대학교 (SOAS, University of London) 박사
- 연구분야
- 언어학·통사론·언어유형론·동아사아언어, 불가리아어·슬라브언어학, 종교학·이문화 커뮤니케이션
- 이메일
- 영국 런던대학교 박사
- 영국 런던대학교 석사
- 불가리아 소피아대학교 석사
- 언어학·통사론·언어유형론·동아시아언어
- 불가리아어·슬라브언어학
- 종교학·이문화 커뮤니케이션
- 2016-현재. 한국외국어대학교 그리스·불가리아학과 전임교수
- 2008-2016. 북마케도니아 스코피예 대학교 강사
- 1996-2000. 불가리아 소피아대학교 조교수
- “Achim” [“Morning”] (a poem in Korean) in Cey 2 hoy cenkwuk hankwuk.e payk.ilcang Swusang mwuncip [Second National Contest for Writing in Korean for Foreigners, Collection of the Awarded Works]. Seoul, 1993.
- "Names, Naming,Naming Disputes: Semiosis in Political Action in Southeast Europe" 5th International Conference of Semiosis Research Center, HUFS, Seoul, 2020
- "Aspect and Situation Types in Bulgarian Verbs" Slavic Limguistics Society Annual Conference, Potsdam, 2019
- "Locus in Contemporary Bulgarian: Theoretical Implications" The IIER international conference onpsychology, language and teaching, Bali, 2018
- "Notes on Aspect and Aktionsart of Bulgarian Verbs: Interface of Grammar and Semantics" 2017 한국슬라브어학회 연례 학술대회: 외국어로서 슬라브어의 연구와 교육, Seoul 2017.
- "Ways of the Mudang: Aspects of Religious Syncretism in Korea" International conference “On Religious and Cultural Contents in Korea and Bulgaria”. Sofia, 2017.
- "Language and Identity in Contemporary Bulgaria" The 8th East Asian Conference on Conflict and Harmony in Eurasia in the 21st Century: Dynamics and Aesthetics. Seoul, 2017.
- "Differences of grammatical categories of nouns and noun phrases in Korean and Bulgarian: potential implications for applied linguistics" CEESOK-2015: The 14th International Conference. Moscow, 2015.
주요논문 및 저서
- “Culture and Resistance Movements of Smaller Nations: Focusing on the Initial Stages of the Bulgarian National Revival” in collection of articles “Intellectuals and Lost State Sovereignty: Movements for Cultural Enlightenment and Preservation of National Languages”, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2022; ISBN 978-9941-18-392-8
- “Spiritual and Religious Aspects of the Independence Movement in Korea” in collection of articles “Challenges and Achievements of Independence and State Building in Korea and Georgia”, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2022; ISBN 979-9941-18-394-2
- “The Role of Communication in the Online Education in Bulgarian Studies in Korea” in Rhetoric and Communications E-journal (R&C), Issue 46, January 2021;; ISSN 1314-4464
- “Автоетнографията като съвременен метод за изследване” [Autoethnography as a Modern Research Method] in “Реторика и комуникации през 21. век: теории, методи, практики” [Rhetoric and communications in the 21st century: theories, methods, practices], a coll
- “Korean Syntax and Bulgarian Syntax in a Contrastive Perspective” in “Globalization in Korea”, Sofia, 2020 ISBN 978-954-07-5006-4
- “Значения и функции на акузатива в корейския език” [Meanings and functions of the accusative in Korean] in “От лингвистиката към семиотиката: Траектории и хоризонти в изследването на комуникацията” [From linguistics to semiotics: Trajectories and horizons in communication studies], Sofia, 2019 ISBN 978-95
- “The typology of locus and contemporary Bulgarian” in Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2019 ISBN 978-954-322-987-1
- “Chan and Neo-Confucianism in competition during the transition from Tang to Song” in “Korean Peninsula - Traditions, Culture, Historical Perspectives”, Sofia, 2019 ISBN 978-954-07-4697-5
- “Bulgarian verbs of perception: aspect and situation types” in Rhetoric and Communications E-journal (R&C), Issue 37, November 2018,; ISSN 1314-4464
- “Verbal Aspectuality and Situation Types in Bulgarian: Preliminary Observations” in Rhetoric and Communications E-journal (R&C), Issue 31, November 2017,; ISSN 1314-4464
- “Ways of the Mudang: Aspects of Religious Syncretism in Korea” in Fedotoff, A., Kim So Young, editors. On Religious and Cultural Contents in Korea and Bulgaria (26-35). Sofia, 2017. ISBN 978-619-7084-41-2
- “Някои аспекти на лингвистичната типологична класификация на македонския синтаксис” [“Some aspects of the linguistic typological classification of Macedonian Syntax”] in XLIII Меѓународна научна конференција на XLIX Меѓународен семинар за македонски јазик, литература и култура [XLIII International scientific conference of the XLIX International seminar of Macedonian language, literature and culture] (228-238). Skopje, 2017. ISBN 978-9989-43-391-7
- “Differences of Grammatical Categories of Nouns and Noun Phrases in Korean and Bulgarian: Potential Implications for Applied Linguistics” in CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 16 (198-207). Moscow, 2016. ISBN 978-5-88983-824-1
- “Attitudes towards Cyrillic transcription of Korean names and words in Bulgarian context” in Луна, бамбук и огледало – изтоковедски изследвания [Moon, Bamboo and Mirror – Oriental Studies Research] (333-343). Sofia, 2016. ISBN 978-06-03-1956-60
- “Морфологичното маркиране на подлозите в корейския език от гледна точка на интерфейса между синтаксиса, семантиката и прагматиката” [“Morphological Marking of Subjects in Korean from the Perspective of the Interface of Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics”] in Актуални тенденции в развитието на прагматиката и когнитивната лингвистика [Current Trends in the Development of Pragmatics and Cognitive Linguistics] (151-162). Sofia, 2015. ISBN 978-954-07-3875-8
- “Transcription of Bulgarian names with the Korean alphabet (prescriptive approach)” in Outlining the Korean Society: Preceedings. Sofia, 2015.
- “Contrasting nominal phrases in Korean and Bulgarian in functional-typological perspective” in Comparative Analysis of the Decolonization in Bulgaria and Korea. Sofia, 2014.
- “Истражување на постојната состојба на студиите по кореистика во Источна Европа и на Балканот и улогата на Македонија” [“A Research in the Current Situation of Korean Studies in Eastern Europe and the Balkans and the role of Macedonia”] in Годишен зборник, книга 39-40 [Annual, book 39-40]. Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“ – Скопје [Blazhe Koneski Faculty of Philology – Skopje]. Skopje, 2014.
- “Анализа на материјалите за Кореја во Македонија од дијахронски и синхронски аспект” [“Analysis of the materials about Korea in Macedonia from a Diachronic and Synchronic Perspective”] (with M. Karanfilovski and R. Nikodinovska) in Philological Studies, Edition 2014, Volume 2. Skopje, Perm, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Belgrade, 2014,
- “Контрастивно истражување на македонскиот и корејскиот вокализам” [“A Contrastive Study of Macedonian and Korean Vocalism”] in XL Научна конференција на МСМЈЛК (Охрид, 29-30 јуни 2013 година) [XL Scientific Conference of the International Seminar for Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture (Ohrid, June 29-30, 2013)]. Skopje 2014.
- “Academic and Practical Systems of Transcription of Korean Words with the Bulgarian Alphabet: A Cyrillization Project for Korean” (with B. Pavlov) in Korea – From Traditions to Modernity: Proceedings of the European Conference on Korean Studies. Sofia, 2013.
- “Transcription of Korean personal names in Bulgarian Cyrillic texts (a case study)” (with B. Pavlov) in Korea as Crossroads of Asia: National Conference on Korean Studies. Sofia, 2012.
- “Korean Studies in Macedonia in the Context of the Present State and Development of Korean Studies in Eastern and Southeastern Europe” in Korean Studies in Macedonia (online), 2012,
- “The grammar and usage of Korean phrase-final particles” (PhD dissertation, SOAS, University of London). 2012.
- “Inception and Development of Korean Studies in the Republic of Macedonia” in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for the Promoting Korean Studies in Macedonia. Skopje, 2011.
- “Notes on the Theoretical and Practical Linguistic Understanding of Korean Cosa and Japanese Joshi” in Journal of Korean Culture, vol. 14. Seoul, 2010.
- “Korean Cosa and Japanese Joshi in Theoretical Linguistics and in Practical Foreign-Language Courses” in China, Korea, Japan: Methodology and Practice of Culture Interpretation. Kyiv, 2009
- Teaching Korean Cosa to Native Speakers of Bulgarian” in Студии по кореистика /Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 10. Sofia, 2009.
- Review of “Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 10” in Linguists List (online), 2003,
- “Some aspects of the reaction to State Shinto shrines in Korea” in Студии по кореистика/Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 6. Sofia, 2002.
- “On the understanding and treatment of the bound form –ita in Korean Linguistics” in Студии по кореистика/Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 5. Sofia, 2001.
- “Проблеми на корейския синтаксис: Главни части на изречението” [“Problems of Korean syntax: Main parts of the sentence”] in Студии по кореистика/Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 1. Sofia, 1998.
- “Linguo-semiotic peculiarities of the Korean writing system” in Proceedings of the 2nd National Symposium of Korean Studies. Sofia, 1997.
- “Някои типологични сходства на сложните глаголи в хинди, корейски и японски” [“Some typological similarities of compound verbs in Hindi, Korean and Japanese”] in Индия в българската наука/Indija v bylgarskata nauka [India in Bulgarian Science]. Sofia, 1998.
- “Уникалността на корейското писмо хангъл” [“The uniqueness of the Korean Hangul script”] in Proceedings of the 1st National Symposium of Korean Studies. Sofia, 1996.
- 나의 첫! 불가리아어. 한국외국어대학교 지식출판콘텐츠원, Seoul 2020 ISBN 979-11-5901-773-5 93790
- Korean Phrase-Final Particles: Their Grammar and Usage. Skopje, 2015. ISBN 978-608-205-362-2
- Корейски синтаксис [A Korean Syntax]. Sofia, 1998. ISBN 954-90332-3-8
- Космосът на водната капка: Съвременна корейска поезия [The Cosmos of a Waterdrop: Modern Korean Poetry]. Sofia, 1998 (selected and translated with Boyko Pavlov and Gwon-Jin Choi). ISBN 954-8126-33-8